1 Mile to You
In this poignant drama directed by Leif Tilden, a young man named Kevin navigates the complexities of grief and healing after a tragic accident claims the lives of his friends. As he turns to running as a means of coping, he discovers a newfound passion that helps him connect with others and himself. The film stars Graham Rogers, Billy Crudup, and Liana Liberato, who deliver compelling performances that capture the emotional depth of the story. While the movie hasn’t garnered any major awards, it offers a heartfelt exploration of loss and resilience. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Leif Tilden
Actors: Billy Crudup, Graham Rogers, Liana Liberato, Melanie Lynskey, Peter Coyote, Stefanie Scott, Thomas Cocquerel, Tim Roth, Ty Parker, Yul Vazquez
Country: United States of America
Company: Cinema Revival, Culmination Productions, Ingenious Media