100 Feet
In this suspenseful thriller directed by Eric Red, Famke Janssen stars as Marnie Watson, a woman under house arrest after serving time for killing her abusive husband in self-defense. Confined to her home by an electronic ankle bracelet, she is haunted by the vengeful spirit of her deceased husband, who seeks retribution. The film explores themes of isolation and supernatural terror, creating a tense atmosphere as Marnie struggles to survive both her ghostly tormentor and the suspicions of the outside world. This gripping narrative can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Eric Red
Actors: Bobby Cannavale, Ed Westwick, Evelyne Kandech, Famke Janssen, John Fallon, Kembe Sorel, Kevin Geer, Michael Paré, Patricia Charbonneau, Tibor Pálffy
Country: United States of America
Company: Film Visions Funding, Grand Illusions Entertainment, New Deal Studios
Worldwide Gross: $1,415,804