Set in a small Hungarian village in 1945, this film by Ferenc Török explores the tension and unease that arise when two Orthodox Jewish men arrive, triggering a cascade of paranoia and guilt among the townspeople. The story unfolds over the course of a single day, capturing the villagers’ reactions as they confront their own past actions during World War II. The film is noted for its stark black-and-white cinematography, which enhances its atmospheric tension. While it hasn’t won major awards, it has been praised for its compelling narrative and historical insight. This gripping drama can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama
Director: Ferenc Török
Actors: Ági Szirtes, Bence Tasnádi, Dóra Sztarenki, Eszter Nagy-Kálózy, István Znamenák, Iván Angelusz, József Szarvas, Marcell Nagy, Nagy-Kálózy Eszter, Péter Rudolf, Tamás Szabó Kimmel
Country: Hungary
Company: Katapult Film
Worldwide Gross: $1,240,738