In this tense psychological thriller, a young woman named Sarah, played by Nicole Brydon Bloom, moves to Los Angeles in search of a fresh start and finds what seems to be the perfect apartment. However, she soon discovers that her new community harbors dark secrets and a sinister agenda. As Sarah becomes entangled in the complex web of her neighbors’ expectations, she must confront her own fears and the lengths she is willing to go to for acceptance. Directed by David Marmor, this film delves into themes of isolation and conformity. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: David Marmor
Actors: Alan Blumenfeld, Celeste Sullivan, Clayton Hoff, Earnestine Phillips, Giles Matthey, Hailey Giles, Naomi Grossman, Nicole Brydon Bloom, Susan Davis, Taylor Nichols
Country: United States of America
Company: 1BR Movie, Epicenter, Malevolent FIlms
Worldwide Gross: $16,125