2010: Moby Dick
In this modern reimagining of Herman Melville’s classic tale, the story follows Captain Ahab, played by Barry Bostwick, as he obsessively hunts a monstrous whale that once maimed him. Set in the year 2010, the film combines elements of science fiction with the timeless themes of vengeance and obsession. The narrative unfolds aboard a high-tech submarine, adding a contemporary twist to the traditional seafaring adventure. Directed by Trey Stokes, the film offers a unique take on the legendary pursuit. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 9
Genre: Action, Adventure, Thriller
Director: Trey Stokes
Actors: Adam Grimes, Barry Bostwick, Bart Baggett, Carl Watts, Dean Kreyling, Jay Beyers, Jay Gillespie, Matt Lagan, Renee O'Connor, Veronika Kurshinskaya
Country: United States of America
Company: The Asylum