40 Nights
“40 Nights” is the inaugural installment of the QUEST TRILOGY, a series of films that explore themes of sacrifice and faith. These movies delve into lesser-known stories from biblical times. The first film delves into the life of Jesus (played by DJ Perry) before his ministry, beginning with his baptism by John the Baptist (portrayed by Terry Jernigan). Following this, Jesus embarks on a journey of self-discovery in the wilderness for 40 nights, where he faces three temptations from the Devil in different guises. Viewers will experience a more profound depiction of Jesus, offering glimpses into his childhood and family background. This portrayal aims to evoke empathy and illuminate the true extent of his sacrifice for humanity.
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Director: Jesse Low
Actors: Dan Haggerty, DJ Perry, Drew Wise, Joe Cipriano, Melissa Anschutz, Rance Howard, Shane Hagedorn, Taylor Nichols, Taymour Ghazi, Terry Jernigan
Country: United States of America
Company: Collective Development