Love, Kennedy
This heartfelt drama, directed by T.C. Christensen, tells the inspiring true story of a young girl named Kennedy Hansen, who faces a terminal illness with unwavering faith and positivity. The film explores the impact of her journey on her family and community, highlighting themes of love, resilience, and hope. Starring Jasen Wade and Heather Beers, the movie captures the emotional depth of its characters and their experiences. While it hasn’t received major awards, it has touched audiences with its poignant storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 11
Director: T.C. Christensen
Actors: Bailee Michelle Johnson, Brennin Williams, Eliza de Azevedo Brown, Heather Beers, Jasen Wade, Scarlett Hazen, Shona Kay, Tatum Chiniquy, Tony Hill, Yvonne D Bennett
Country: United States of America
Company: Remember Films
Worldwide Gross: $407,871