Cardboard Gangsters
In this gritty Irish crime drama, a group of young men from Darndale, Dublin, led by the charismatic Jay Connolly, attempt to gain control of the local drug trade. As they navigate the dangerous underworld, they face challenges that test their loyalty and ambition. The film stars John Connors, who delivers a compelling performance as Jay, and is directed by Mark O’Connor. Known for its raw portrayal of urban life, the movie offers a stark look at the consequences of crime and ambition. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mark O'Connor
Actors: Alan Clinch, Fionn Walton, Gemma-Leah Devereux, Jimmy Smallhorne, John Connors, John Dalessandro, Kierston Wareing, Kyle Bradley Donaldson, Paul Alwright, Stephen Clinch
Country: Ireland
Company: Five Knight Films Limited, Stalker Films
Worldwide Gross: $211,728