Set against the tumultuous backdrop of the 1947 Partition of India, this film delves into the lives of women residing in a brothel located on the newly drawn Radcliffe Line. As political tensions rise, the inhabitants, led by the formidable Begum Jaan, portrayed by Rituparna Sengupta, must confront the harsh realities of displacement and survival. The narrative is a poignant exploration of resilience and defiance in the face of historical upheaval. Directed by Srijit Mukherji, the film is noted for its powerful performances and evocative storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Srijit Mukherji
Actors: Abir Chatterjee, Jaya Ahsan, Jisshu Sengupta, Kaushik Sen, Lily Chakravarty, Nigel Akkara, Parno Mittra, Rituparna Sengupta, Saswata Chatterjee, Sudipta Chakraborty
Country: India
Company: SVF Entertainment