Unexpected Places
Growing up in a dysfunctional family, Cody (played by Tim Torok) struggles with a past filled with addiction and criminal behavior. As Cody spends time in the county jail, his mother, Pam (portrayed by Penny Carlisi), finds herself grappling with her faith, overwhelmed by the sorrow caused by Cody’s destructive decisions. However, with encouragement from her prayer group, she comes to understand that only divine intervention can mend her heart, renew her faith, and rescue her son.
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Director: Michael Brennan
Actors: Chad Gibbons, Dawn Storey, Joey Santana, Penny Carlisi, Robin McCoy, Ryan-Iver Klann, Terri Partyka, Tim Kaiser, Tim Torok, Wayne E. Brown
Country: United States of America
Company: Crystal Creek Media, Reveal Film Group