Another Woman
In this introspective drama directed by Woody Allen, the story follows Marion Post, a philosophy professor played by Gena Rowlands, who rents an apartment to work on her new book. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she overhears the therapy sessions of a stranger, leading her to reflect on her own life choices and relationships. The film features a strong supporting cast, including Mia Farrow and Ian Holm, and delves into themes of self-discovery and existential contemplation. While it did not receive major awards, it is noted for its thoughtful narrative and Rowlands’ compelling performance. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Woody Allen
Actors: Betty Buckley, Blythe Danner, David Ogden Stiers, Gena Rowlands, Gene Hackman, Ian Holm, John Houseman, Martha Plimpton, Mia Farrow, Sandy Dennis
Country: United States of America
Company: Jack Rollins & Charles H. Joffe Productions
Worldwide Gross: $1,562,749