The film is an intense and gritty journey centered around Reagan Tyler, a man plagued by disturbing visions and forewarnings that draw him to the classic allure of Las Vegas. In this setting, Reagan encounters the enigmatic and alluring Monika, a woman who, astonishingly, was murdered the night before their meeting. Reagan is compelled to unravel the mystery of her continued presence and assist Monika in seeking vengeance against those responsible for her younger sister’s death.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Drama, Romance, Thriller
Director: Steven R. Monroe
Actors: Andrew Howard, C. Thomas Howell, Cerina Vincent, Elisa Donovan, Jason Wiles, Jeff Branson, Lew Temple, Shayla Beesley, Suzanne Ford, Tim Thomerson
Country: United States of America
Company: Hole In The Desert LLC