Faced with a life-threatening illness, Young-su abandons his carefree urban lifestyle, his live-in girlfriend, and his failing business. He seeks solace in a rural sanatorium to address his health issues, where he encounters a young woman who is also a patient. They quickly form a romantic bond and decide to leave the sanatorium to reside in a quaint farmhouse. Their health sees significant improvement, but when Young-su’s city friends visit, he begins to question whether he should leave the simple village life behind and return to his previous way of living.
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Director: Hur Jin-ho
Actors: Gong Hyo-jin, Hwang Jung-min, Jang Jin-hee, Kim Ki-cheon, Kim Ki-chun, Lim Soo-jung, Park In-hwan, Ryu Seung-su, Yoo Seung-mok
Country: South Korea
Company: Rai Film, Zip Cinema
Worldwide Gross: $8,324,700