Liar Liar Vampire
In this 2015 comedy directed by Vince Marcello, a teenager named Davis Pell, played by Rahart Adams, finds himself in an unexpected situation when he moves to a new school and is mistaken for a vampire. The rumor quickly spreads, and Davis decides to play along with the charade, leading to a series of humorous and awkward situations. The film explores themes of identity and popularity in a lighthearted manner. It also stars Brec Bassinger, who adds charm to the storyline. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Family, TV Movie
Director: Vince Marcello
Actors: Alex Zahara, Brec Bassinger, Eric Bempong, Larissa Albuquerque, Olivia Ryan Stern, Pauline Egan, Rahart Adams, Samuel Patrick Chu, Tiera Skovbye, Ty Wood
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Pacific Bay Entertainment, Pacific Bay Entertainment Canada