Christmas Slay
The narrative of ‘CHRISTMAS SLAY’ unfolds on a chilly Christmas Eve in the charming Kentish countryside, where a loving family is brutally murdered, leading to the arrest of a killer with a Santa Claus fixation. As the next Christmas approaches, a group of college friends plans to leave their worries behind and enjoy a festive holiday. They choose to retreat to the serene Mistletoe Lodge, nestled in the stunning snowy mountains of the Scottish Highlands. What begins as an ideal holiday filled with snowy fun and a few glasses of eggnog quickly turns into a horrifying bloodbath and a desperate struggle for survival.
Views: 2
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Director: Steve Davis
Actors: Charley McDougall, Dani Thompson, Frank Jakeman, India Rand, Jessica Ann Brownlie, Kerrie Bridger, Laura Wilson, Lydia Kay, Matt Collins, Stuart Lawson
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Invicta Pictures, Kent Independent Film