Absolute Beginners
Set in late 1950s London, this vibrant musical drama follows the lives of young people navigating the cultural and social changes of the era. The story centers on a young photographer, played by Eddie O’Connell, who becomes entangled in a world of jazz, fashion, and racial tensions. The film features notable performances by David Bowie and Patsy Kensit, adding star power to its dynamic narrative. Directed by Julien Temple, it captures the spirit of a transformative time with a unique visual style. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Drama, Music, Musical, Romance
Director: Julien Temple
Actors: David Bowie, Eddie O'Connell, Eve Ferret, Graham Fletcher-Cook, James Fox, Joseph McKenna, Mandy Rice-Davies, Patsy Kensit, Ray Davies, Tony Hippolyte
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Goldcrest Films International, Palace Pictures, Virgin
Worldwide Gross: $930,211