In this poignant Italian drama directed by Edoardo De Angelis, the story follows conjoined twin sisters, Daisy and Viola, who possess a remarkable singing talent that captivates audiences. As they navigate the complexities of their unique bond and the pressures from their family to perform, they are faced with a life-changing decision that challenges their understanding of identity and freedom. The film is noted for its compelling performances and has garnered critical acclaim for its exploration of personal and familial dynamics. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Edoardo de Angelis
Actors: Angela Fontana, Antonia Truppo, Gaetano Bruno, Gianfranco Gallo, Marco Mario De Notaris, Marianna Fontana, Massimiliano Rossi, Peppe Servillo, Toni Laudadio
Country: Italy
Company: Medusa Film, O' Groove, Tramp Ltd.
Worldwide Gross: $310,797