Mrs Henderson Presents
Set in pre-World War II London, this film follows the spirited and wealthy widow, Laura Henderson, played by Judi Dench, who purchases a run-down theater and transforms it into the Windmill Theatre, known for its groundbreaking nude revues. Bob Hoskins stars as Vivian Van Damm, the theater manager who helps bring her vision to life. Directed by Stephen Frears, the movie explores themes of resilience and innovation amidst the backdrop of war. The film received critical acclaim, earning several award nominations, including an Academy Award nomination for Judi Dench. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Stephen Frears
Actors: Anna Brewster, Bob Hoskins, Christopher Guest, Judi Dench, Kelly Reilly, Natalia Tena, Rosalind Halstead, Sarah Solemani, Thelma Barlow, Will Young
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: BBC Film, BBC Films, Future Films, Pathé Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $27,876,417