Gimme the Loot
In this vibrant and energetic film, two determined graffiti artists from the Bronx, Malcolm and Sofia, embark on a quest to make their mark on New York City by tagging an iconic landmark. Their journey through the city over two days is filled with challenges, humor, and unexpected encounters, showcasing the duo’s resilience and creativity. The film, directed by Adam Leon, captures the essence of urban life and the spirit of youthful ambition. It was well-received at film festivals, winning the Grand Jury Prize at the SXSW Film Festival. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Adam Leon
Actors: Adam Metzger, Greyson Cruz, James Harris Jr., Joshua Rivera, Meeko, Melvin Mogoli, Sam Soghor, Tashiana Washington, Ty Hickson, Zoë Lescaze
Country: United States of America
Company: Seven For Ten
Worldwide Gross: $116,783