Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle
In “Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle,” a young man named Angus visits his ailing Grandfather in the hospital, driven by a childhood desire to uncover the truth. He seeks answers about his parents’ deaths and the reality behind his Grandfather’s extraordinary and terrifying tales. These stories span the rich tapestry of Gaelic history, featuring themes of poisoned lovers, bloody vengeance, mythical water-horses, and hidden Spanish treasure. In a final act of influence, his Grandfather steers Angus towards one of Scotland’s most perilous peaks, The Inaccessible Pinnacle on the Isle of Skye, where Angus discovers an ancient truth he never anticipated. This film holds the distinction of being the first feature-length movie in Scottish Gaelic.
Director: Simon David Miller
Actors: Aonghas Padruig Caimbeul, Coll Domhnallach, Crisdean Domhnallach, Daibhidh Walker, Dolina MacLennan, Padruig Moireasdan, Winnie Brook Young
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Young Films
Worldwide Gross: $19,978