Red River
In the secluded rural areas of Kentucky, the film RED RIVER unfolds the story of Roland Thatcher, a devoted family man, successful businessman, and devout believer, who harbors a deep mistrust of outsiders. The arrival of a group of city youths camping near his land triggers a series of violent events, leading to gruesome killings and widespread carnage. As a budding local journalist delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding the Thatcher estate, the horrifying reality of Roland and his ‘family’ might finally be unveiled.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Horror, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Western
Director: Jacob Ennis
Actors: Dustin Roe, George Robert Bailey, Levi Brandenburg, Megan Marie Wilson, Ronica Jones, Sonny Burnette, Tucky Williams
Country: United States of America
Company: Cineline Productions, Silver Chain Films, TuckyWood Productions