Ranbô to taiki
Director Tominaga Masanori, known for “Pandora’s Box,” adapts Motoya Yukiko’s quirky play “Ranbo to Taiki” into a film that intricately weaves themes of love, animosity, and voyeurism. Hidenori (played by Asano Tadanobu) and Nanase (portrayed by Minami) have shared a home for a decade, maintaining a strained yet non-romantic relationship. Their lives take a turn when a married couple, Takao (Yamada Takayuki) and Azusa (Koike Eiko), become their new neighbors. The situation escalates when Hidenori discovers Nanase’s affair with Takao, leading him to fixate on spying on Nanase through a peephole and plotting his vengeful response.
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Director: Masanori Tominaga
Actors: Eiko Koike, Minami, Tadanobu Asano, Takayuki Yamada
Country: Japan
Company: King Records, Media Factory, Showgate