In this Danish superhero film directed by Ask Hasselbalch, a young boy named Pelle Nøhrmann, played by Oscar Dietz, gains extraordinary powers after being bitten by an ant. As he transforms into a pint-sized hero, he must navigate the challenges of adolescence while battling a villain known as The Flea. The film offers a charming take on the superhero genre, blending humor and action in a family-friendly package. While it may not have received major awards, it stands out for its engaging storyline and relatable characters. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Family
Director: Ask Hasselbalch
Actors: Amalie Kruse Jensen, Cecilie Alstrup Tarp, Frank Thiel, Johannes Jeffries Sørensen, Lærke Winther, Marcuz Jess Petersen, Nicolas Bro, Oscar Dietz, Samuel Ting Graf, Thomas Voss
Country: Denmark
Company: Det Danske Filminstitut, FilmFyn, Nimbus Film
Worldwide Gross: $1,994,944