Turn Me On, Dammit!
Set in a small Norwegian town, this coming-of-age film follows the life of Alma, a 15-year-old girl navigating the complexities of teenage sexuality and social awkwardness. The story delves into her fantasies and the challenges she faces when a rumor about her spreads, affecting her relationships and reputation. Helmed by Jannicke Systad Jacobsen, the film is noted for its candid and humorous portrayal of adolescent life. It stars Helene Bergsholm in the lead role, whose performance captures the essence of youthful curiosity and confusion. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 11
Director: Jannicke Systad Jacobsen
Actors: Arthur Berning, Beate Støfring, Helene Bergsholm, Henriette Steenstrup, Jon Bleiklie Devik, Julia Bache-Wiig, Julia Schacht, Lars Nordtvedt Listau, Malin Bjørhovde, Matias Myren
Country: Norway
Company: Motlys
Worldwide Gross: $1,743,743