In the vibrant neighborhood of Hoxton, East London, the narrative centers on George and Sophie, a couple eagerly planning their first vacation together. They’ve already put down a deposit and have just two weeks to come up with the remaining £2,000. Sophie has placed her trust in George by giving him her savings for the trip, eager to finalize the payment with the travel agency. However, unbeknownst to Sophie, George is completely out of money. In a desperate bid to generate funds, he recklessly invests Sophie’s holiday savings in a poorly thought-out scheme.
Genre: Drama
Director: Lee Sales
Actors: Annie Cooper, Ben Drew, Francis Pope, George Russo, Neil Large, Neil Maskell, Ophelia Lovibond, Peter Ferdinando, Ricci Harnett, Zara Dawson
Country: United Kingdom
Company: DP Films, Fulwell 73
Worldwide Gross: $333