Set in the picturesque landscapes of the French Riviera during the summer of 1915, this film explores the complex relationships within the Renoir family. The story centers on the aging painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir, played by Michel Bouquet, who finds renewed inspiration through a young model named Andrée, portrayed by Christa Théret. Meanwhile, his son Jean Renoir, played by Vincent Rottiers, returns home to recover from injuries sustained in World War I, and becomes captivated by Andrée, setting the stage for his future as a filmmaker. Directed by Gilles Bourdos, the film beautifully captures the intersection of art, love, and the passage of time. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Drama, History, Romance
Director: Gilles Bourdos
Actors: Anne-Lise Heimburger, Carlo Brandt, Christa Théret, Hélène Babu, Michel Bouquet, Romane Bohringer, Solène Rigot, Stuart Seide, Thomas Doret, Vincent Rottiers
Country: France
Company: Fidélité Films, Mars Films, Wild Bunch
Worldwide Gross: $7,816,573