In this 1980 sci-fi horror film directed by Luigi Cozzi, a mysterious cargo ship drifts into New York Harbor, carrying a deadly alien threat in the form of pulsating eggs that explode upon contact. The plot follows a team of investigators, including a former astronaut and a determined police lieutenant, as they race against time to uncover the origins of these lethal eggs and prevent a global catastrophe. The film stars Ian McCulloch and Louise Marleau, who deliver engaging performances amidst the tension and suspense. Notably, the movie is known for its special effects and atmospheric score by Goblin. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Luigi Cozzi
Actors: Angelo Ragusa, Brigitte Wagner, Carlo De Mejo, Carlo Monni, Gisela Hahn, Ian McCulloch, Louise Marleau, Marino Masé, Mike Morris, Siegfried Rauch
Country: Germany, Italy, West Germany
Company: Alex Cinematografica, Barthonia Film, Lisa-Film