Rent: Live
Set in the vibrant and gritty East Village of New York City, this production follows a group of young artists and musicians struggling to survive and create under the shadow of HIV/AIDS. The ensemble cast, including notable performances by Vanessa Hudgens and Jordan Fisher, brings a raw and emotional energy to the stage. Directed by Alex Rudzinski, the live adaptation captures the essence of the original musical while adding a contemporary flair. Although the broadcast faced challenges due to an injury during rehearsals, it still delivered a powerful message of love and resilience. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama, Music, Musical, TV Movie
Director: Alex Rudzinski, Michael Greif
Actors: Brandon Victor Dixon, Brennin Hunt, Jennifer Leigh Warren, Jordan Fisher, Keala Settle, Kiersey Clemons, Mario, Mario Barrett, Tinashe, Valentina, Vanessa Hudgens
Country: United States of America
Company: 20th Century Fox Television, Marc Platt Productions, Revolution Studios