Last Night
Set in Toronto, this film explores the final hours of humanity as the world faces an impending apocalypse. The narrative weaves together the lives of several characters, each dealing with their impending doom in unique ways, from seeking closure with loved ones to fulfilling lifelong desires. Directed by Don McKellar, who also stars in the film, it features performances by Sandra Oh and Callum Keith Rennie. The movie is noted for its introspective take on the end-of-the-world genre, offering a poignant look at human behavior in the face of inevitable demise. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Don McKellar
Actors: Charmion King, David Cronenberg, Don McKellar, Jessica Booker, Roberta Maxwell, Robin Gammell, Sandra Oh, Sarah Polley, Tracy Wright, Trent McMullen
Company: La Sept-Arte, Rhombus Media, Téléfilm Canada
Worldwide Gross: $591,165