In this gripping Italian drama, a hitman named Salvo, portrayed by Saleh Bakri, finds his life taking an unexpected turn after a fateful encounter with a blind girl, played by Sara Serraiocco. The film delves into themes of redemption and the human capacity for change, set against the backdrop of the Sicilian underworld. Directed by Antonio Piazza and Fabio Grassadonia, the movie was well-received for its atmospheric storytelling and compelling performances. It won the Critics’ Week Grand Prize at the Cannes Film Festival. For those interested, the film is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Romance, Thriller
Director: Antonio Piazza, Fabio Grassadonia
Actors: Diana Sergio, Dylan Tauro, Filippo Luna, Giuditta Perriera, Jake J. Meniani, Luigi Lo Cascio, Mario Pupella, Redouane Behache, Saleh Bakri, Sara Serraiocco
Company: Acaba Produzioni, Cristaldi Pictures, MACT Productions
Worldwide Gross: $244,686