Five Dances
FIVE DANCES, crafted by writer and director Alan Brown, is an innovative narrative feature film that delves into the vibrant modern dance scene of downtown New York. The plot centers on the tumultuous emotional path of a gifted 18-year-old dancer, portrayed by the remarkable Ryan Steele, who faces a difficult decision between his obligations to his troubled family in the Midwest and pursuing his own life and career. The film showcases the debut acting performances of five of New York’s most talented dancers, who bring to life the choreography of the internationally renowned Jonah Bokaer.
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Director: Alan Brown
Actors: Catherine Miller, Kimiye Corwin, Luke Murphy, LuLu Roche, Michael Borrelli, Reed Luplau, Ryan Steele
Country: United States of America
Company: Perry Street Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $5,788