Hot Guys with Guns
In this comedic crime caper, two aspiring actors, Danny and Pip, find themselves embroiled in a real-life investigation after a series of burglaries target Hollywood’s elite. As they navigate the world of amateur sleuthing, their personal relationship is tested amidst the chaos. The film stars Marc Anthony Samuel and Brian McArdle, bringing charm and humor to their roles. Directed by Doug Spearman, this film offers a unique blend of comedy and mystery. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance
Director: Doug Spearman
Actors: Alan Blumenfeld, Brian McArdle, Carrie Genzel, Darryl Stephens, Jay Huguley, Joan Ryan, Leon Acord, Marc Anthony Samuel, Marisilda Garcia, Trey McCurley
Country: United States of America
Company: H.G.W.G.