The Ghost Army
During the Second World War, a specially selected team of American soldiers embarked on an unusual mission: to stage a mobile show of illusions on the European battlefields, with the German Army as their unsuspecting audience. The 23rd Headquarters Special Troops employed inflatable rubber tanks, sound trucks, and captivating performance art to repeatedly deceive the enemy, often right at the front lines. Many of the individuals chosen for these risky deception operations were artists, some of whom later achieved fame, such as fashion designer Bill Blass. In their downtime, they painted and sketched their journey across Europe, creating a distinctive and poignant visual chronicle of their wartime experiences. The details of their covert mission remained classified for nearly half a century after the war concluded.
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Genre: Documentary, History, War
Director: Rick Beyer
Actors: Peter Coyote, Wesley Clark
Country: United States of America
Company: Plate of Peas Productions