The Secret Lives of Dorks
In “The Secret Lives of Dorks,” Payton, portrayed by Gaelan Connell, is an awkward and socially inept comic book enthusiast whose high school experience is a series of embarrassing blunders. Despite this, he is a romantic at heart, infatuated with Carrie, the popular head cheerleader played by Riley Voelkel, whom he is set on winning over. However, Carrie is aware of his clumsy attempts to woo her and devises a scheme to redirect his attention towards Samantha, a fellow nerd at the school, played by Vanessa Marano.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Salomé Breziner
Actors: Beau Mirchoff, Charlie Stewart, Gaelan Connell, Jennifer Tilly, Jim Belushi, Mark Daugherty, Riley Voelkel, Seymour Cassel, Vanessa Marano, William Katt
Country: United States of America
Company: Indomitable Entertainment, School Pictures