Set in the post-Civil War era, this film follows the story of a man who returns home to his wife and community after being presumed dead. As he reintegrates into his old life, questions arise about his true identity, leading to a gripping exploration of love, trust, and redemption. The movie stars Richard Gere and Jodie Foster, whose performances add depth to this intriguing narrative. Directed by Jon Amiel, the film offers a compelling look at the complexities of human relationships. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
Director: Jon Amiel
Actors: Bill Pullman, Brett Kelley, Clarice Taylor, Frankie Faison, James Earl Jones, Jodie Foster, Lanny Flaherty, Richard Gere, Wendell Wellman, William Windom
Country: France, United States of America
Company: Alcor Films, Canal+, New Regency Productions
Worldwide Gross: $140,081,992