This Australian mockumentary follows the life of Kenny Smyth, a dedicated and affable plumber who specializes in portable toilets. Played by Shane Jacobson, who also co-wrote the film, Kenny navigates the challenges of his profession with humor and resilience, offering a unique perspective on an often-overlooked industry. Directed by Clayton Jacobson, the film is celebrated for its heartwarming and comedic portrayal of an everyman’s life. It has gained a cult following for its authentic and relatable storytelling. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Comedy
Director: Clayton Jacobson
Actors: Chris Davis, Donald MacDonald, Eve von Bibra, Ian Dryden, Jesse Jacobson, Ronald Jacobson, Shane Jacobson
Country: Australia
Company: Thunderbox Films
Worldwide Gross: $6,732,176