Lost Cat Corona
In this quirky comedy, a man named Dominic embarks on an unexpected adventure through his neighborhood in Queens, New York, as he searches for his wife’s missing cat. Along the way, he encounters a series of eccentric characters and finds himself in increasingly bizarre situations. The film features Ralph Macchio, known for his role in “The Karate Kid,” and Gina Gershon, adding a touch of star power to the ensemble cast. Directed by Anthony Tarsitano, the movie offers a humorous exploration of everyday life and the unexpected twists it can take. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Anthony Tarsitano
Actors: Anthony Ruivivar, David Zayas, Gina Gershon, Jeff Kober, Karina Arroyave, Kathrine Narducci, Paul Sorvino, Ralph Macchio, Sean Young, Tom Wopat
Country: United States of America
Company: Choice Films, City Squirrel Films