Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector
In this comedy film directed by Trent Cooper, Larry the Cable Guy stars as a bumbling health inspector who is tasked with solving a series of food-related incidents at upscale restaurants. As he navigates through the chaos with his unique brand of humor, he uncovers a larger conspiracy that threatens the city’s culinary scene. The movie features a mix of slapstick comedy and light-hearted detective work, appealing to fans of Larry’s comedic style. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a fun watch for those who enjoy light-hearted comedies. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Trent Cooper
Actors: Brooke Dillman, David Koechner, Iris Bahr, Joanna Cassidy, Kristen Wharton, Larry the Cable Guy, Megyn Price, Michael Papajohn, Tom Hillmann, Tony Hale
Country: United States of America
Company: Full Sail Films, Parallel Entertainment Pictures, Parallel Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $15,680,099