Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie
In this animated action film, the world is embroiled in a clandestine battle as the evil crime syndicate, Shadowlaw, seeks to recruit the world’s greatest fighters for their nefarious plans. The story follows iconic characters like Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, and Guile as they navigate a series of intense martial arts showdowns. Directed by Gisaburō Sugii, the film captures the essence of the beloved video game series with its dynamic fight sequences and character-driven narrative. Notably, the movie features a memorable soundtrack that complements its high-energy action. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation
Director: Gisaburō Sugii
Actors: Jouji Nakata, Kaneto Shiozawa, Kenji Haga, Kôjiro Shimizu, Koujiro Shimizu, Masakatsu Funaki, Masane Tsukayama, Miki Fujitani, Shigezo Sasaoka, Shigezou Sasaoka, Takeshi Kusaka, Yukimasa Kishino
Country: Japan
Company: Capcom Entertainment, Group TAC (I), Sony Music Entertainment