Vampire Journals
In this atmospheric horror film directed by Ted Nicolaou, the story follows Zachary, a vampire with a conscience, as he seeks to destroy the vampire master Ash, who has been terrorizing the world with his dark reign. The narrative unfolds in a gothic setting, exploring themes of redemption and vengeance, as Zachary struggles with his own vampiric nature while trying to protect a young pianist from Ash’s clutches. The film features performances by stars such as Jonathon Morris and David Gunn, who bring depth to their roles. While it may not have received major awards, it stands out for its unique take on the vampire genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Ted Nicolaou
Actors: Constantin Barbulescu, Dan Condurache, David Gunn, Ilinca Goia, Jonathon Morris, Kirsten Cerre, Mihai Dinvale, Mihai Niculescu, Petre Moraru, Starr Andreeff
Country: Romania, United States of America
Company: Castel Film Romania, Castel Film Studio, Full Moon Studios