This captivating tale of growing up unfolds amidst the genuine cultural conflicts and political happenings in 1980s Germany. The narrative centers on Martin Rauch, a 24-year-old from East Germany, who is abruptly uprooted from his familiar surroundings and dispatched to the West as a covert operative for the Stasi’s foreign intelligence. Disguised within the ranks of the West German military, his mission is to uncover NATO’s military plans. In this unfamiliar world, nothing is as it appears, and every individual he meets is concealing their own political and personal secrets.
Views: 1
Genre: Drama
Director: Anna Winger, Jörg Winger
Studio: Big Window Productions, RTL, UFA Fiction
Creators: Anna Winger, Jörg Winger
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2015
IMDb: 8
TMDb: 7.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 91%
Country: Germany
Networks: RTLPrime Video
Starring: Alexander Beyer, Carina Wiese, Fritzi Haberlandt, Jonas Nay, Lavinia Wilson, Maria Schrader, Sonja Gerhardt, Svenja Jung, Sylvester Groth, Uwe Preuss