First Girl I Love
In this coming-of-age drama, the story revolves around Anne, a high school student who finds herself unexpectedly falling for Sasha, the star of the school’s softball team. As Anne navigates her newfound feelings, she must also contend with the complexities of friendship and identity, particularly when her best friend Clifton becomes entangled in the situation. The film stars Dylan Gelula, Brianna Hildebrand, and Mateo Arias, delivering compelling performances that capture the nuances of teenage life and love. Directed by Kerem Sanga, the movie offers a fresh perspective on young romance and self-discovery. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Kerem Sanga
Actors: Brianna Hildebrand, Cameron Esposito, Dominic Flores, Dylan Gelula, Erik Griffin, Jennifer Prediger, John Redlinger, Mateo Arias, Pamela Adlon, Tim Heidecker
Country: United States of America
Company: Bee-Hive Productions, PSH Collective, Tilted Windmill Productions
Worldwide Gross: $277,293