Love and Air Sex (The Bounceback
In this romantic comedy directed by Bryan Poyser, a group of friends navigates the complexities of love and relationships during a wild weekend in Austin, Texas. The film follows Stan, played by Michael Stahl-David, as he attempts to win back his ex-girlfriend Cathy, portrayed by Ashley Bell, amidst a backdrop of quirky events and an air sex competition. The movie explores themes of heartbreak, friendship, and the humorous side of romantic entanglements. Although it didn’t receive any major awards, it offers a unique take on the rom-com genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Bryan Poyser
Actors: Addison Timlin, Ashley Bell, David Zellner, Justin Arnold, Marshall Allman, Michael Stahl-David, Paul Soileau, Sara Paxton, Zach Cregger, Zach Green
Country: United States of America
Company: Anaphrodisiac, Boomdozer, Preferred Content
Worldwide Gross: $6,047