This anthology of short tales presents a variety of intriguing narratives. In the first story, a woman ventures out to a store late at night, only to face unexpected challenges with a murderer on the loose. The second tale follows a young arcade enthusiast whose fixation on a particular game results in fatal outcomes. The third narrative centers on a priest from a small town who, having lost his faith, plans to leave but finds himself pursued by an enigmatic black pick-up truck in the desert. The final story reveals a family’s rat issue to be more significant than they initially believed.
Views: 3
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Joseph Sargent
Actors: Bridgette Andersen, Cristina Raines, Emilio Estevez, Joe Lambie, Lance Henriksen, Moon Unit Zappa, Richard Masur, Robin Gammell, Tony Plana, Veronica Cartwright
Country: United States of America
Company: Universal Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $6,670,680