In this poignant drama directed by Jon Garaño and José Mari Goenaga, the lives of three women are intricately connected through a series of mysterious flower deliveries. As the flowers begin to arrive, they evoke a range of emotions and memories, leading each woman to confront her past and present relationships. The film, which stars Nagore Aranburu, Itziar Ituño, and Itziar Aizpuru, was nominated for the Best Film at the Goya Awards, highlighting its critical acclaim. This beautifully crafted narrative explores themes of love, loss, and the impact of seemingly small gestures. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jon Garaño, Jose Mari Goenaga
Actors: Ane Gabarain, Egoitz Lasa, Itziar Aizpuru, Itziar Ituño, José Ramón Soroiz, Josean Bengoetxea, Jox Berasategi, Nagore Aranburu
Country: Spain
Company: Departamento de Cultura del Gobierno Vasco, Euskal Irrati Telebista (EiTB), Euskaltel
Worldwide Gross: $139,421