Pumpkin Pie Wars
In this charming romantic comedy directed by Steven R. Monroe, two rival families find themselves in a heated competition at the annual pumpkin pie contest. The story follows Casey and Sam, played by Julie Gonzalo and Eric Aragon, who are caught in the middle of their families’ long-standing feud. As they prepare for the contest, unexpected feelings begin to blossom between them, challenging their loyalties and stirring up a delightful mix of romance and rivalry. The film offers a heartwarming exploration of love and family traditions, and it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Steven R. Monroe
Actors: David Allan Pearson, Dolores Drake, Janet Glassford, Jennifer Juniper Angeli, Julie Gonzalo, Michele Scarabelli, Mischa Karwat, Peter Graham-Gaudreau, Rhonda Dent, Rico Aragon
Country: United States of America
Company: Crown Media Productions, Hallmark Channel, Michael G. Larkin Productions