Children of the Corn: Revelation
In this eerie installment of the horror franchise, a young woman named Jamie travels to Omaha, Nebraska, to investigate the mysterious disappearance of her grandmother. Upon arrival, she discovers that the apartment complex where her grandmother lived is plagued by strange occurrences and unsettling visions of ghostly children. As Jamie delves deeper, she uncovers a dark secret tied to the town’s sinister past. The film, directed by Guy Magar, features Claudette Mink and Kyle Cassie in leading roles. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Guy Magar
Actors: Claudette Mink, Crystal Lowe, Jeffrey Ballard, Kyle Cassie, Louise Grant, Michael Ironside, Michael J Rogers, Sean Smith, Taylor Hobbs, Troy Yorke, Yan-Kay Crystal Lowe
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Creeper Films, Neo Art & Logic