The Dark Horse
Set in New Zealand, this compelling drama follows the journey of Genesis Potini, a former chess champion battling bipolar disorder, as he seeks redemption by mentoring a group of underprivileged children in the game of chess. The film stars Cliff Curtis, who delivers a powerful performance as Genesis, capturing the complexities of his character’s struggles and triumphs. Directed by James Napier Robertson, the movie is inspired by true events and has been praised for its heartfelt storytelling and strong performances. It has received several awards, including the New Zealand Film Award for Best Film. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Biography, Drama, History
Director: James Napier Robertson
Actors: Andrew Grainger, Cliff Curtis, James Rolleston, Kirk Torrance, Miriama McDowell, Rachel House, Roseanne Liang, Sia Trokenheim, Wayne Hapi, Xavier Horan
Country: New Zealand
Company: Four Knights Film, Southern Light Films
Worldwide Gross: $1,862,114