Robert the Doll
In this chilling horror film directed by Andrew Jones, a family experiences a series of terrifying events after acquiring a seemingly innocent doll. The story unfolds as the doll, believed to be possessed, begins to wreak havoc in their home, leading to a suspenseful exploration of supernatural occurrences. The film stars Suzie Frances Garton and Lee Bane, who deliver compelling performances that heighten the eerie atmosphere. While the movie did not receive any notable awards, it has garnered attention for its unsettling premise inspired by real-life events. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Andrew Jones
Actors: Cyd Casados, Flynn Allen, Judith Haley, Lee Bane, Megan Lockhurst, Ryan Michaels, Samuel Hutchison, Suzie Frances Garton
Country: United Kingdom
Company: North Bank Entertainment