SAGA: Curse of the Shadow
In a world filled with magic and mythical creatures, a bounty hunter named Nemyt, played by Danielle Chuchran, embarks on a perilous quest to stop a dark cult from unleashing an ancient evil. The film, directed by John Lyde, showcases a blend of fantasy and action as Nemyt teams up with a group of unlikely allies to thwart the impending doom. With its engaging storyline and captivating visuals, this fantasy adventure offers an immersive experience for fans of the genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: John Lyde
Actors: Adam Abram, Clare Niederpruem, Danielle C. Ryan, Danny James, Eve Mauro, James C. Morris, James Gaisford, Nichelle Aiden, Paul D. Hunt, Richard McWilliams
Country: United States of America
Company: Arrowstorm Entertainment, Camera 40 Productions, Mainstay Productions